Unleash Your Child’s Fearless Potential in Youth Sports

Empower, Inspire, Thrive!

Youth sports hold a remarkable power to shape individuals and communities in numerous ways. They offer a platform for children and teenagers to develop key life skills, including teamwork, discipline, resilience, and leadership. Moreover, participating in sports helps foster a sense of belonging, camaraderie, and healthy competition among peers. Beyond personal growth, youth sports contribute to overall community well-being by promoting physical health, instilling values such as fair play and sportsmanship, and cultivating a strong support network. By harnessing the power of youth sports, we can empower young individuals and create a positive impact that extends far beyond the playing field.

How can parents do their part to ignite passion in their children and

nourish their growth?

For the last 27 years, Dr. Christine Silverstein has coached parents and their children with peak- performance tips on Mindful Toughness ®, mental rehearsal, positive self- talk, and feedback loop analysis. She now shares those tips with parents in this free ebook, Unlocking Your Child’s Potential: Six Game-Changing Pointers for Sports Success.

This free guide will help you:

Embrace the Fear: Help your child overcome fear of falling and loud noises to develop resilience and confidence in sports.

Wear Their Shoes: Put yourself in your child’s shoes to understand their perspective, needs, and motivations in youth sports.

Bridge the Generation Gap: Teach your children the necessary skills and strategies for success in sports, recognizing their unique way of thinking.

Let Go and Grow: Release past traumas or limitations to support your child’s progress and unlock their full potential in sports.

Harness the Power of Fun: Encourage your child to enjoy sports and tap into their natural ability to use their mind power effectively during events.

Nurturing Well-being: Create a positive environment that promotes health and well-being in youth sports, with the right guidance from parents.

Dr. Christine M. Silverstein, peak performance coach, behavioral health RN, and clinical hypnosis expert at The Summit Center for Ideal Performance has assisted clients of all ages for 27 years to reach their best performances in health, athletics, academics, business, and performing arts. She specializes in working with children, teens, and young adults, using Mindful Toughness® skillsets, such as self-hypnosis, mental rehearsal, positive self-talk, and feedback loop analysis. As a researcher, historian, and best-selling author, she has presented her works on Hypno-Coaching and history in the US and globally to promote mental health. 

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